Being a natural born artist, Chipiliro started his journey of acting at Luwinga Secondary School, when he wrote a drama that worn the hearts of teachers and students, entitled, Tears Drop at Sun Set, which was performed at the graduation day of his fellow students (the Form four students), who were sharing their last moments at the school.So passionate it was, when the writer himself (Chipiliro Thayelo) performed a role as a University Student, Kevin, who felt in love and impregnated a young and beautiful poor girl, Rose (Clara Zangalama), from within the campus, who was helplessly expelled from the school, because of the financial problems as she was an orphan. The situation of Rose became worse, when her labor time was behind the corner; she received a massage that her only shoulder to rely on, the grandma that tried all the best to raise funds for her granddaughter’s education kicked a bucket. The girl lost all the opportunities when peer pressure forced her into an early pregnancy, which was also denied by her boyfriend, Kevin (Chipiliro).